How to Deal with Grief

When we lose a loved one, it is inevitable that our own life will be forever changed. Navigating your way through grief and mourning is a challenging but necessary process. We are often not taught the difference between grief and mourning. Grief encapsulates your thoughts and feelings about the loss, while mourning is how you…
When there is a Cremation, what happens to the coffin?

When there is a Cremation, what happens to the coffin? A lot of people seem unclear on what happens to the coffin or casket during the cremation so let’s see if we can explain the exact process. If there is funeral service or pre-cremation memorial, the coffin is transported to the crematorium immediately after. If there…
Understanding the cremation process

Understanding the Cremation Process There are many misconceptions about cremation so to make it easier to understand here are some facts on what occurs in the cremation process and answers to some very common questions we get asked. Once the body has been fully prepared, the coffin is moved to our Dignified Cremations crematorium. Once…